Headline: Positive Parenting Sessions in Hargeisa and Berbera Help Parents Build Strong Relationships with Children (WADUS Project)

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YOVENCO Organization, in close partnership with Save the Children under the WADUS Project, has conducted 56 parenting sessions and four interaction sessions in Hargeisa and Berbera, Somaliland. The sessions were attended by 140 mothers of children aged 0-5 years, expectant mothers, and mothers of children aged 10-13 years.

The purpose of the parenting sessions was to help parents build strong relationships with their children. The sessions covered a variety of topics, including positive parenting techniques, communication skills, and conflict resolution. The sessions also emphasized the importance of avoiding physical and humiliating punishment at home.

One of the mothers who participated in the program, Halima, said that the sessions had been very helpful. “I have learned a lot about how to be a better parent,” she said. “I am now more patient and understanding with my children, and I am better able to set limits and discipline them without resorting to physical punishment.”

Another mother, Fatima, said that the sessions had helped her to improve her communication skills with her children. “I used to have a hard time talking to my children,” she said. “But now I am better able to listen to them and understand their needs. This has helped to improve our relationship a lot.”

The parenting sessions have also helped to solve a number of problems that used to worsen parent-child relationships within Somalis. For example, in the past, many parents used physical punishment to discipline their children. This often led to fear, resentment, and a lack of trust between parents and children. The parenting sessions have taught parents about the negative effects of physical punishment and how to discipline their children without resorting to violence.

The parenting sessions have also helped to reduce the use of humiliating punishment, such as name-calling or public shaming. This type of punishment can also damage the parent-child relationship and lead to long-term emotional problems for the child. The parenting sessions have taught parents about the negative effects of humiliating punishment and how to discipline their children without causing them shame or embarrassment.

Overall, the parenting sessions have had a positive impact on parent-child relationships in the target locations. Mothers who have participated in the sessions report feeling more confident in their parenting skills and better able to communicate with their children. They also report that their relationships with their children have improved. The parenting sessions are cornerstone activities that help with the reduce of domestic violence against children at home and beyond, as they are helping to create a more stable and prosperous society.

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